May 1, 2022
Starting from May 1, tourist or business travelers can enter Hong Kong and the compulsory quarantine period can be reduced from 14 to just 7 days, provided that certain conditions are met. The rule applies even if the traveler is non-Hong Kong resident.
Entry into Hong Kong will be subject to the presentation of a recognised vaccination record, negative tests for COVID-19 and compulsory quarantine, as detailed in this article.
What is needed to enter Hong Kong?
1. Persons who stayed in any place or any country other than China, Macau and Taiwan in the 14 days prior to the date of departure to Hong Kong (Hong Kong residents and non-Hong Kong residents):
We have summarized the main requirements below:

Conditions for reducing compulsory quarantine from 14 to 7 days:
· Be fully vaccinated and the results of the PCR test performed on the 5th day and the rapid tests performed on the 6th and 7th days are all negative;
· Self-monitoring for the subsequent 7 days after leaving quarantine;
· New PCR test on 12th day of arrival in Hong Kong.
2. Persons who have been to CHINA or MACAU in the 14 days prior to departure to Hong Kong (Hong Kong residents and non-Hong Kong residents):
Main differences in requirements:
Mandatory quarantine in any hotel or accommodation;
They can enter Hong Kong even without completing the vaccination. However, for compulsory quarantine reduced to 7 days, full vaccination is required;
PCR test only on arrival, 5th and 12th day, no need for quick tests on other days.
3. Persons who have been in TAIWAN in the 14 days prior to departure to Hong Kong (Hong Kong residents and non-Hong Kong residents):
Main differences in requirements:
It’s possible to enter Hong Kong even without being fully vaccinated. However, for compulsory quarantine reduced to 7 days, full vaccination record is required.
The government has quotas for facilitated entry by Shenzhen and Macau for residents or not in Hong Kong who were during the last 14 days in the Guangdong province in China, Macau and list of places in China “At-risk Places that are Temporarily Inapplicable”, through of the “Return2hk” and “Come2hk” schemes.
Before traveling, it is important to check the latest updates and keep in mind that the rules can be changed by the government at any time, depending on the pandemic situation.
*For more details or up-to-date information, see the government website:
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